John Swinney’s Opening Statement

As your First Minister, I will be totally focused on the issues that matter to you.

I know these debates can often turn into a bit of a shouting match.

But I think the times are far too serious for that.

I know that many of you are struggling with the cost of living. I know you want the very best of healthcare for you and your family. If you are in business, Brexit has made your life a lot tougher.

I want to sort those issues out. I believe the best way to do that is to ensure decisions are made in Scotland, for Scotland.

In government, the SNP is doing everything we can to protect Scotland in these tough times.

We’re delivering free tuition, free prescriptions, expanding childcare, keeping 100,000 children out of poverty and 100,000 businesses out of paying rates.

We all know the Westminster system is broken. It’s delivered Austerity, Brexit and the cost of living crisis.

Scotland deserves better.

I am asking you to vote SNP to put Scotland’s interests first.

Born in Edinburgh in 1964. John joined the SNP in 1979, and has over his many years of service to the party held a number of posts at both a local and national level. In 2024, John was elected unanimously to be SNP Leader, and then elected by the Scottish Parliament to serve as Scotland’s seventh First Minister.

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