Older People Waiting Six Years Longer for Pass in England
Graeme has welcomed the news that 2,269,757 free bus journeys have been made in Angus this year.
This is down to the SNP Scottish Government’s protection of free bus passes for the over 60’s and those with disabilities, as well as its introduction of free bus travel for the under 22’s.
In England, by contrast, pensioners only receive their free bus pass upon reaching the state pension age of 66 – six years later than is the case in Scotland.
The free bus travel scheme for under 22s, introduced in 2022, is additionally helping young people across Angus access work, education and further training – free of charge. No equivalent scheme exists anywhere else in the UK.
1,003,483 journeys were made under the Young Persons’ Free Bus Travel Scheme in 2023/2024, with a further 1,266,274 made under the Older and Disabled Person’s scheme. The SNP Government has also extended the latter scheme to include injured veterans.
Scotland-wide, over 178 million free journeys have been recorded this year.
I am delighted that so many are benefitting from free bus travel here in Angus, which is opening up more opportunities for young and old alike.
It is proving a real lifeline for many where access to education, work and essential services is concerned – whereas there is no such support for under 22s south of the border, and older people must wait six years longer for their bus pass.
This SNP Scottish Government is successfully encouraging greater public transport use while giving people the mobility needed to improve lives and facilitate economic growth.
It is in stark contrast to a UK Government stripping pensioners of their Winter Fuel Payment and indebting young people for decades through eye-watering tuition fees.