Community Action to Reach Net Zero

Communities will receive a share of up to £5.5 million Scottish Government funding to help reduce their emissions and improve resilience in the face of climate change, with £165,000 being directed to the Angus Climate Hub.

The funding for 2024-25 will bolster Scotland’s network of 20 Community Climate Action Hubs which encourage and support climate action, alongside a support package for delivery.

Based across Scotland, the Hubs have supported a range of projects bespoke in their areas, including on local energy generation and flood mitigation.

Other activities delivered by Hubs have included climate assemblies for schools, climate literacy sessions for communities, support of repair cafes to increase local reuse and recycling rates, and provision of advice and support around tackling fuel poverty by improving energy efficiency for buildings.

The Angus Hub was set up in December of last year, and its stated aims are as follows:

  • To share skills, ideas and resources, between community groups
  • To support and develop community led climate action across Angus
  • To support communities to contribute to local, regional and National decision making
  • To support understanding of climate change and its direct impact on existing inequalities

I very much welcome this SNP Government funding for the Angus Climate Hub.

The Hub is an important focus of climate action locally and is doing great work in directing support to key projects locally – from Sustainable Kirriemuir to woodland regeneration at Auchterhouse and more.

They are also compiling a record of storm experiences in Angus, which will surely inform work on community resilience going forward.

I would encourage constituents and local groups to engage with the Hub and these efforts.


Tackling climate change is our collective responsibility and will require collaborative action at all levels. We must also share in the benefits that our net zero journey will bring. 

Communities are uniquely placed to play a critical role in shaping and driving forward the transition to low carbon and climate resilient living and we want to empower people to take action in their neighbourhoods that’s right for them. 

That is why we are proud to continue to support our hugely successful framework of regional climate hubs, which provide a vehicle for communities to come together and engage in collective grass-roots action.



Some funding still to be allocated. Work is ongoing to ensure national coverage of the hubs.

I’m Graeme’s Parliamentary Assistant based at Holyrood, but I support his constituency work as well. Having been Caseworker to an Aberdeenshire MP some years prior, joining Graeme's team in 2019 was a return to this line of work from a role in fundraising.

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