Author: Jamie

I’m Graeme’s Parliamentary Assistant based at Holyrood, but I support his constituency work as well. Having been Caseworker to an Aberdeenshire MP some years prior, joining Graeme's team in 2019 was a return to this line of work from a role in fundraising.

Delivering a Safer Scotland for Everyone Scotland continues to be a safe place to live, with recorded crime remaining at one of the lowest levels seen…

Incorporating UN Treaties Into Domestic Law Views are being sought on plans to enshrine international human rights – including the right to health and an adequate…

New Strategy Launched to Improve Survival A new 10-year Cancer Strategy aims to significantly cut the number of people diagnosed with later stage cancer and to…

Success of Starter Farm Initiative Participants in a programme designed to encourage new entrants into farming have commented on its successes. An evaluation of the Scottish…

UK Government Imposing Authority Over Holyrood The ability of the Scottish Parliament to take decisions for the benefit of people in Scotland is being curtailed by…

Reducing Waste & Growing Green Economy New legislation will create the tools to tackle waste and increase reuse and recycling rates. The Circular Economy Bill will…

Report on Delivery Plan Published It is estimated that 90,000 fewer children will live in relative and absolute poverty this year as a result of Scottish…

800 Additional Staff Join Workforce Health Boards across Scotland have hired an additional 800 nurses, midwives and allied health professionals from overseas, helped by £8 million…

Transforming Children’s Experiences of the Justice System Children and young people in the justice system will soon be able to benefit from coordinated, comprehensive support under…