Browsing: Education

Enhanced Opportunities for All Ages with Independence Independence would allow Scotland to further improve its education system, including a proposal to enshrine the governmentā€™s policy on…

Record High from More Deprived Communities Statistics were released this week on the destinations and attainment of 2022-23 leavers from Scotlandā€™s publicly funded schools, showing a…

Year-long financial support for undergraduates. Higher education students can apply to spread their student financial support package over a 12-month period for the first time this…

Positive Report from Education Scotland An Education Scotland report published this week has spoken highly of the quality educational offering being delivered by Dundee & Angus…

Plans to Maximise Scotlandā€™s Global Reputation Promoting Scotlandā€™s world leading university research and economic potential is at the core of the country’s first International Education Strategy…

Innovation at Heart of Scottish Economy First Minister Humza Yousaf has announced long term funding to ensure innovation continues to grow and support Scotlandā€™s economy. Annual…

Specialist to Lead Improvements Maths will be the first subject area to be updated as part of a new approach to improvement to ensure that Scotlandā€™s…