Quarterly Statistics Published
There were 21,825 all-sector new build homes completed in Scotland in the year to end June 2022, according to quarterly statistics on housebuilding and affordable housing supply published 25th by Scotland’s Chief Statistician.
This is an increase of 9% (1,806 homes) on the 20,019 completions in the previous year. Increases were seen across private-led (4% or 615 homes), local authority (27% or 540 homes), and housing association new build completions (21% or 651 homes).
Separate figures published as part of the UK House Price Index show a total of 12,013 private new build sales transactions in Scotland in the year to end August 2022, up 4% (508 transactions) on the 11,505 transactions recorded in the year to end August 2021.
Latest social sector new housebuilding figures for the year to end September 2022 show an increase of 17% (982 homes) to 6,704 completions, with local authority completions rising by 40% (799 homes) to 2,792 and housing association completions up by 5% (183 homes) to 3,912.
Affordable Housing Supply Programme
Separate quarterly statistics on the Affordable Housing Supply programme show there were a total of 2,565 affordable homes completed in the latest quarter July to September 2022. This brings the total number of affordable homes completed in the 12 months to end September 2022 to 9,449, an increase of 2% (219 homes) on the 9,230 homes completed in the previous year. There were increases in the number of completions for social rent by 17% (1,127 homes), however affordable rent completions decreased by 28% (387 homes), and affordable home ownership completions fell by 42% (521 homes).
– Graeme
I welcome the latest figures where completions of new build homes are concerned.
They largely show significant increases across the different sectors in terms of numbers of completions compared with the previous year.
Some of the stats, and those on new build starts, present a more mixed picture that the Scottish Government will be alive to.
I very much hope to see progress continue, with Scotland continuing to lead the UK on delivery of affordable housing.
Quarterly affordable housing supply statistics are used to inform progress against Scottish Government affordable housing delivery targets, in which the ambition is to deliver 110,000 affordable homes by 2032, of which at least 70% will be for social rent and 10% will be in remote, rural and island communities.
There have been a total of 4,927 completions so far against the 110,000 target, across the period 23 March 2022 to 30 September 2022, consisting of 4,188 (85%) homes for social rent, 418 (8%) for affordable rent, and 321 (7%) for affordable home ownership.
Figures on the remote, rural and island communities element of the target are planned to be reported on as part of future annual affordable housing supply out-turn reports, although whether it is feasible for these figures to be reported on a quarterly basis in addition to this is under consideration.
Housing Statistics for Scotland Quarterly Update.
Background information including Excel tables and explanatory information on data sources and quality can be found in the Housing Statistics webpages.
Official statistics are produced in accordance with the Code of Practice for Statistics.