Browsing: cost of living

Households in Scotland Abandoned by Westminster People in Scotland, and across the UK, have been left feeling completely abandoned after the Tories’ King’s Speech failed to…

First Minister Publishes First Programme for Government Plans to reduce poverty, deliver economic growth, tackle climate change and provide high quality public services will be central…

7 Million Households Foregoing Basics The SNP has described a worsening ‘Tory housing nightmare’ as fresh figures show rent taking up the largest share of pay…

Minister confirms intention to keep rent cap in place for a final six months. Emergency measures to protect tenants during the cost of living crisis, including…

UK Government Must Launch Investigation The SNP will call on the UK Tory Government to launch an investigation into soaring food prices and profiteering in the…

Support for Those Who Need it Most Delivering even more tailored support to tens of thousands of households is at the heart of a major expansion…

Redoubling Focus After Recess The Scottish Parliament resumes in a few days’ time. Speaking personally, this year’s summer recess has been productive, informative and the kind…