Browsing: NHS

Starmer Set to Go “Further Than Blair” on Privatisation In their latest pivot to Tory policies, the Labour Party have vowed to follow in the footsteps…

Scotland Excelling in Medical Education & Training Applications for medical training posts in Scotland are at record levels, with more junior doctors joining the NHS than…

Chairs Appointed for Inquiry & Reviews Appointed Health Secretary Neil Gray has appointed chairs for the Public Inquiry and Independent Clinical Reviews into the actions of…

The Threat is Brexit The NHS is under pressure across the UK and there is one major issue behind why it is facing such pressure ā€“…

We Must Make Our Own Decisions TABIS. It means ā€œThings Are Better In Scotlandā€. An acronym coined by the BBCā€™s own money expert, Paul Lewis, who…

Ā£50m to Build Ambulance Service Capacity A Ā£50 million funding boost for Scottish Ambulance Service (SAS) recruitment and up to Ā£12 million to expand Hospital at…

First Minister Publishes First Programme for Government Plans to reduce poverty, deliver economic growth, tackle climate change and provide high quality public services will be central…