Author: Emilia

I started working for Graeme’s office after graduating from Abertay University and while I was studying a post graduate at Dundee University. I then went on to work for Graeme full time as his constituency assistant.

Biggest pay uplift since devolution for senior medical and dental staff. The Scottish Government has accepted the 6% pay increase for senior NHS staff recommended by…

Encouraging physical activity, sport and PE Graeme recently visited the Angus Council’s Active Schools Team to highlight National School Sports Week. National School Sport Week was…

Celebrating the rich contribution that people with learning disabilities make to society Graeme recently visited the Hope Organic Garden and SAPALD to highlight Learning Disability Week.…

Raising awareness of the benefits agritourism can bring to Scotland’s urban and town populations. Graeme recently met with constituents involved in Agritourism to discuss the prominence…

Raising awareness of the history of our communities. Graeme recently visited Barry Mill in Carnoustie and the Star Rock Shop in Kirriemuir to highlight Local and…

First Minister convenes anti-poverty summit. Targeted action to further tackle poverty and inequality in Scotland will be the focus of discussion at a summit convened by…