Author: Lloyd

Community and Outreach Officer. SNP Councillor for Monifieth and Sidlaw.

Graeme is backing plans to improve the museum. The site, run by ANGUSalive, welcomes thousands of visitors each year, and tells the maritime history of the…

1,166 people in Angus to benefit Graeme Dey MSP has said the new Scottish Adult Disability Living Allowance will ensure that up to 1,166 people in…

Local representatives note progress on site. Graeme visited the site of the new Monifieth Community Hub alongside Local Councillors Beth Whiteside and Lloyd Melville. The representatives…

MSP and Councillors seek review of criteria which excludes Kirriemuir and Monifieth. Today (1st February 2024), local representatives from the Scottish Parliamentary and local Council levels…

Moves to protect children agreed after four-nations consultation. Plans to ban single use vapes and raise the tobacco age of sale so that no one born…