Browsing: environment

Supporting industry and communities. The marine environment could be better protected and new green jobs could be generated to help create stronger local economies and vibrant…

Nominations Process Begins Communities and organisations are being invited to submit their proposals to become Scotlandā€™s next National Park. A key commitment in the Bute House…

First Minister arrives in New York ahead of Climate Week NYC. A call for bold, sustained action from international partners to deliver on climate pledges and…

New strategy to support Scotlandā€™s fish farming sector. Actions to increase the productivity of Scotlandā€™s aquaculture sector and help reduce its impact on the environment have…

Reducing Waste & Growing Green Economy New legislation will create the tools to tackle waste and increase reuse and recycling rates. The Circular Economy Bill will…

Call for Expressions of Interest from Local Areas Communities across Scotland are being asked to consider whether their local area could be designated as the countryā€™s…

Consultation on planning guidance. People are being asked for their views on how the planning system can support healthy, thriving and connected communities as part of…