Browsing: Holyrood

Supporting Sustainable Farming & Crofting Legislation to support Scotland’s rural economy and communities has passed Stage 1 in Parliament. MSPs voted in favour of the principles…

Preventing Homelessness & Strengthening Tenants’ Rights New legislation which aims to keep people in their homes and help prevent homelessness has been published. The Housing (Scotland) Bill…

1,166 people in Angus to benefit Graeme Dey MSP has said the new Scottish Adult Disability Living Allowance will ensure that up to 1,166 people in…

Scotland Excelling in Medical Education & Training Applications for medical training posts in Scotland are at record levels, with more junior doctors joining the NHS than…

Record Number of Real Living Wage Employers The number of Scottish employers registered as paying the real Living Wage has hit a new high of 3,500.…

Funding for Mental Health & Wellbeing Services Up to £2.23 million of funding is being made available to third sector organisations providing counselling, peer support and…

Legislation to Improve Protection for Wildlife Scotland’s wildlife will benefit from increased protection thanks to a new law passed by the Scottish Parliament. The Wildlife Management…

What Does it Mean? Scotland stands at the forefront of renewable energy, having achieved the incredible milestone of generating more than 100% of Scotland’s electricity demand for first…