The number of Scottish employers registered as paying the real Living Wage has hit a new high of 3,500.
The rate is reviewed annually and currently stands at £12 an hour.
The milestone was reached ahead of the tenth anniversary of Living Wage Scotland, a programme launched in 2014 by Poverty Alliance with Scottish Government funding to encourage more firms to pay the real Living Wage. Living Wage Scotland is a partnership with the Living Wage Foundation and receives funding from the Scottish Government.
Proportionately, Scotland has around five times more accredited real Living Wage employers than the rest of the UK. Latest statistics also show nearly 90% of workers aged over 18 in Scotland are paid the real Living Wage or above – ahead of 87.1% in Wales, 87% in England and 84.4% in Northern Ireland.
The Scottish Government itself achieved real Living Wage employer status in 2015, the first government in the UK to do so.
On a visit to one of the most recently accredited firms, Wellbeing Economy Secretary Màiri McAllan thanked the growing number of employers committed to keeping pace with the real Living Wage.
I’m Graeme’s Parliamentary Assistant based at Holyrood, but I support his constituency work as well. Having been Caseworker to an Aberdeenshire MP some years prior, joining Graeme's team in 2019 was a return to this line of work from a role in fundraising.