I am firmly in favour of the ongoing work to transform the dual carriageway that currently divides Arbroath.
There… I’ve said it!
I acknowledge that opinion on this project is sharply divided, and I fully appreciate the concerns that have been raised.
But I am wholeheartedly supporting this initiative – with one crucial condition.
This project is not just about adding cycle lanes or making it safer to cross Burnside Drive, beneficial as these changes would be for our elderly or less mobile residents. Rather, the fundamental aim of this initiative is to reconnect the two halves of the town split by this busy road.
However, reconnecting these areas alone isn’t enough if we don’t concurrently enhance the town centre experience.
Improving the aesthetics of buildings, revitalizing empty storefronts and diversifying the offerings to boost foot traffic are essential components. The dual carriageway improvements need to be complemented by significant investment in the High Street.
Fortunately, the Levelling Up funding offers a prime opportunity to do just this.
With the Sustrans funding for the road work, supported by Angus Council finance, we are poised to make these necessary changes. And so the Levelling Up funds, if used wisely and in a way that catalyses further commercial investment, have the potential to completely transform our town centre shopping experience.
Currently, the attractive shops in Westport see little foot traffic from across the road. This could change dramatically.
Yes, disruption from the work on the dual carriageway will be considerable, but I believe it will be worth it in the long run.
While I may be in the minority now, and possibly for some time, I am confident that we can see great benefits if we execute this properly. Looking ahead, three years from now we might all view these disruptions as a small price to have paid for a revitalized Arbroath – and I think even some of the harshest critics of this work may have been won round.