Aside from your local MSP, who else can help? More than you think?

Angus Council
From Schools to Emptying Bins, your Council is responsible for more than you might imagine.

Citizens Advice Scotland
Citizens Advice is Scotland’s largest independent advice network. They help more than 300,000 people solve their problems each year in communities everywhere.

Shelter Scotland
Shelter do not provide housing, but they help provide answers. From homelessness to home owner, they have advice for everyone.

Police Scotland
For information on local policing services, as well as making non-urgent crime reports.
Angus Carers Centre
The Carers Centre provides information, advice and a range of services to carers located in Angus and the surrounding areas.
Chris Law MP
Chris Law is the MP for Angus and his patch includes Birkhill, Fowlis, Auchterhouse and other villages to the west of Tealing. If you wish to discuss any issues reserved to the UK Parliament, Chris is the best person to speak to.

Kirstene Hair MP
Kirstene Hair is the MP for Angus and her area includes Arbroath and Kirriemuir. On issues such as immigration and defence, that are not devolved to Holyrood, Ms Hair should be the person to ask in Angus.

Stewart Hosie MP
Stewart Hosie is the MP for Dundee East, which includes Monifieth, Carnoustie and eastern Sidlaws. Like Chris, he is your best contact for issues reserved by the Westminster government.

Voluntary Action Angus
As the third sector interface for Angus, Voluntary Action Angus is committed to all the people, all the issues, all the time.

Angus Care and Repair
Angus Care and Repair provide various services for older and disabled people in Angus to help them with home repairs, adaptations and improvements.

Angus Independent Advocacy
Angus Independent Advocacy supports local vulnerable people within the Angus community to have their voice heard, wishes represented and their rights safeguarded.

Angus Foodbank
The foodbank is part of The Trussell Trust’s network of 428 foodbanks, working to tackle food poverty and hunger in our local communities, as well as across the UK.

Angus Woman's Aid
A free, confidential service to women living in Angus, regardless of her age, race, ethnicity, sexuality, disability or religion, who has experienced domestic abuse.

Scottish Legal Aid Board
Legal aid is help towards the costs of legal advice and representation, for those who qualify, paid for out of public funds.

ACAS (Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service) provides free and impartial information and advice to employers and employees on workplace relations and employment law.

National Debtline
National Debtline is there to help you take the first steps on your debt free journey. They are dedicated to making sure free debt advice is available 24 hours a day.