Browsing: keir starmer

Starmer Set to Go “Further Than Blair” on Privatisation In their latest pivot to Tory policies, the Labour Party have vowed to follow in the footsteps…

(Nearly) All Keir Starmerā€™s Labour U-turns in one place. It’s hard to keep up. Despite claiming to be the party of working people, Labour now endorses…

Starmer: U-turn After Screeching U-turn Despite claiming to be the party of working people, Labour now endorses the Toriesā€™ economic policy, social security cuts and anti-immigrant…

Defending Scotlandā€™s interests and values. The SNP are Scotlandā€™s voice ā€“ and the events of recent weeks have shown why itā€™s essential Scotland has a strong…

Starmer: U-turn After Screeching U-turn Despite claiming to be the party of working people, Labour now endorses the Toriesā€™ economic policy, social security cuts and anti-immigrant…

Starmer: U-turn After Screeching U-turn Despite claiming to be the party of working people, Labour now endorses the Toriesā€™ economic policy, social security cuts and anti-immigrant…

Since taking the helm of the Labour Party after its routing in 2019, Keir Starmer has presided over a rightward lurch. Despite claiming to be the…