Browsing: fair pay

ÂŁ12 an Hour Pledge to Help Sector Private and voluntary sector staff working in Adult Social Care (ASC), Children’s Services (CS) and those who deliver funded…

14.6% Pay Uplift Over 28 Months A resolution to the teacher pay dispute is now in sight after the EIS and SSTA unions voted to accept…

Graeme Meets Union Reps, Visits Picket Graeme met with striking local postal workers on the picket lines on Friday morning in a show of solidarity with…

Average Uplift of 7.5% is Highest Offer in the UK A ‘best and final offer’ has been made to NHS Agenda for Change (AfC) workers following…

Redoubling Focus After Recess The Scottish Parliament resumes in a few days’ time. Speaking personally, this year’s summer recess has been productive, informative and the kind…